Our flight left exactly on time from New York and we were due to arrive in Rome at 7:30am which would give us only an hour and half layover but for some reason the pilot decided to go slow and we didn't arrive in Rome until 8:45am when our next plane was boarding at 9:05am and we had to go through security again and line was soooo long. Emily and I literally ran through the airport, I'm sure we looked very American in our sweatpants huffing and puffing our way through the airport which mind you is veryyyy large and our gate was the farthest possible place away in the corner. However, we did finally make it. Also, side note, we flew Alitalia (an Italian run airline) and they announce everything in Italian and then English, I just wish I knew more Italian. A shuttle van picked us up at the airport and loaded all our luggage and we then arrived at our apartment. It is soooo nice. It has a a big kitchen, living room, two bathrooms, and three large bedrooms. We unpacked everything... all 106 pounds of stuff! We then wandered through the streets of Florence and woahhh! CULTURE SHOCK! And remember to always close the door behind you because they don't automatically close and some guy yelled at me for not closing the door. I think he yelled "Do you live in a barn?" Oh, well.. now I know. It is very different here but I already love it. There are sooo many roads and we live in the western part of the city so there is a bit of walk to everything but I don't mind because then we just get to see more of the city! :) It is about a 20 minute walk to one of our schools and then about a 25 minute walk to the other school and it's about a 30 minute walk between the two schools. We had no idea what to do for dinner so we went to the mini supermarket and bought a bag of pasta and a jar of sauce... an authentic Italian meal! We survived through the jet lag and went to sleep around 7pm and slept all the way through the night till 7am. So, I have already adjusted to Italian time. Ciao!
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