Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Free AMERICAN Coffee on Wednesdays!

So, last week Wednesday we went to The Diner which is like your all American Diner and I was so excited when we got there because there was a sign outside that read, FREE AMERICAN COFFEE ON WEDNESDAYS, and the day just happened to be Wednesday. I have not had real American Coffee since being here in Florence. I have had a few Espresso shots now and then but not a real big cup of coffee. Everyone had been raving about this place and we had to try it! The menu was in English, thank goodness! The walls are pink and the food is soooo good! Probably the first real American food I've had since being here. I know that you are all thinking that I'm in Italy and should not be eating American food but sometimes you just have to give in. I cannot tell you how good the HEINZ ketchup tastes and the 100% maple syrup. So, we went to the Diner last week for breakfast and that's what the pictures are from but it was so good last week that we decided to go again this week and get scrambled eggs and french toast! I love Italy sooo much but there are just some things I really miss from back home. I also learned that the man who owns the diner, started it when he was 18 and he also owns another dinner type restaurant with one location in Florence and one is actually in San Diego and he is about to go back to the U.S. to start another one in Washington D.C. He is a very smart man!

Only 34 days left in Florence! It's hard to believe that time has flown by soooo fast! We plan on the making the most of our remaining days in Florence though. I am so excited to finally be spending a full weekend in Florence, we have so much planned and the weather is supposed to be absolutely gorgeous and in the 70's all weekend. Although, a few weeks left of classes = work, papers, presentations, and preparing for finals. It is nearly impossible to do work in Italy. Although, I have 1 paper compete already which means I only have 4 left.

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