Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A very accomplished day!

Quote of the Day: "There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will." Epictetus

So, today was a very good day!
I woke up, watched American TV (yes, I found a website to watch shows from the U.S.)! Then went to Ganzo and ate a delicious chicken and broccoli calzone with chocolate cake for dessert. I then decided it was time to see the Michelangelo's original and real David at the Academia. The museums are all free this week so I decided it was a great time to go see it and luckily I only had to wait in line for 20 minutes. The statue was huge! There are other fake David statues though at Pizzale Michelangelo and Piazza Signoria and they are just not as impressive as the real one. I then decided since it was a sunny day it was about time to climb the Duomo. I climbed the tower about a month ago but I had yet to go up into the dome. 463 steps later, I had made it to the top. Phewwww, the stairways are soooo narrow and soooo small and soooo windy! It's crazy and rather difficult because people are both trying to go up and down at the same time (very poor planning!) Although, the views are all worth the huffing and puffing on the way up. Florence is absolutely gorgeous. Then today was also the second day, I went running. I ran for thirty minutes in the park and it felt amazing (yes, tiring because I haven't worked out in like 3 months but it still felt very good). The release of the endorphins just makes me feel so alive and the weather has been gorgeous lately so I just can't pass up the opportunities. I plan on running from now on because well, bathing suit season is coming up and I really need to start working off all the cakes, gelato, and pasta!

Then my friend Brittany's 21st birthday was this past Sunday so of course we had to go out for a birthday celebration dinner! :) We went to a restaurant called Acqua al 2, which is owned by the same owner as The Diner and they also have locations in Washington D.C. and San Diego. I had steak with blueberry sauce, very different but very delicious. This is like the first time in 4 months that I have had steak and well I realized that I really do not miss it that much. I could live without it and I have eaten a lot of seafood and mostly vegetables/ pasta/ bread here so like I wonder if I'll eat red meat when I get back in the states?!?!

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