Monday, May 24, 2010

Physical Therapy again?

Alright, well I'm back at school now. Yes, at school. I was home for only just a few short days but decided a month ago that in order to make money, I had to re-located to Massachusetts for the summer where I will be working at a Country Club and at the gym on campus. It was just too hard to find a job at home in Maine especially while being abroad and I knew that I automatically had a job lined up at the gym and then the country club job just sort of fell into place so it all worked out and I'll be at school for the summer, which shouldn't be too bad since the beach in my backyard and Boston is only a mere 20 minutes away so it should be a pretty nice summer.
However, I have to start physical therapy again tomorrow. As I let you all know, I dislocated my right shoulder again (yes, it's the 2nd time). Last April I fell down the stairs and dislocated my shoulder, I went to the hospital, they popped it back in place, and I was in the sling for 2 weeks and then I quickly recovered with only 3 weeks of physical therapy and was back to my normal exercise routine by the end of the summer. So, in the last few weeks of Italy, almost to the exact day, I dislocated my shoulder again. I simply moved it the wrong way at the wrong time and wrong angle and I knew instantly that I had dislocated it again. So, I can cross riding in an Italian ambulance and visiting an Italian hospital off my list. Although health care is free in Italy, it's definitely not the greatest. They only spoke Italian so it was very hard to understand and they were very rough in the whole process of popping it back in place. Luckily, my roommate Emily can understand some Italian and was able to communicate with the EMT's and doctors. So, they popped it back in and I have been in the sling for the last 2 weeks. I took the sling off yesterday and it's still very stiff and I'm afraid to move it. I went to the specialist on Thursday and I'm going to start physical therapy again tomorrow.

Because of my young age, I was told last time that there was a 95% chance that it would happen again and with less trauma and sure enough it did. :( It was easier to get around this time with only my left hand though because I was used it the second time around. I'm hoping that it won't happen again because each time it happens, it worsens the ligaments and strength of the shoulder and could result in severe arthritis, limited mobility, and the need for surgery. I'm hoping this is the last time and it never gets to that point. I'm starting physical therapy tomorrow though and hoping that all goes well and I recover as quickly as last time. I definitely would not have been able to survive though without the help of my friends and family, they put up with my whining and did a lot of things for me that I couldn't physically do, so thank you to all those that helped!

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